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Fees and Pricing

We are in it for the long haul. Your success is our success.

Our Pricing Philosophy

Strategy first and billing second

Strategy first and billing second

Looking to find a digital agency purely based on price is a bad decision. Not only that, whenever an agency engages with a client in that mindset, the project turns into a commodity.

We're known for doing some of the highest quality work. We're also known to provide the best digital strategy for business growth. We engage with clients with a strategy first, billing second approach.

The true value to you

Instead of looking at websites, apps and other digital projects as cash based commodities, consider the real value to you.

What would a 10%, 20% or 30% increase in revenue look like for your business? How much would these digital assets allow your business to grow? We approach our pricing and projects with the intent of growing your business, not ours.

Costs to consider

What else is included?


Outside costs may include

If you embark on a project with Happy Dog 👋 your business may have to incur costs outside of our scope of work. Actually, businesses asking what other costs are involved is a very common question we get. Some costs may include:

  • Hosting (good options can go around $75/mo)
  • Domain name
  • Ad spend
  • 3rd party software (billing, chat, CRM, ERP, email, phone, etc)

Costing Resources

We've created resources for you on your journey to hiring a data-friendly digital agency.

Tips on hiring a web development agency

Avoid the deceptive agencies