
Don't just take our word for it

A reliable ally in big business

Ryan and his team are wonderful to work with! They are always very responsive with any need that we have… and are always thinking of ideas to improve our site. We would recommend Happy Dog to any business – big or small. They speak “your language” too when it comes to the returns on our investment – not “techie” speak. They know what a business needs to justify the expense of digital marketing and web development.
Don, Sr. Product Portfolio Manager - Xcel Energy

Happy Dog bends over backwards to make you rock-star-amazing

What you need to understand when you work with Happy Dog is that you are getting a team of people who are dedicated to your success. Unlike a lot of web development firms out there, which over-promise and under-deliver, Happy Dog does the opposite. Ryan and the Happy Dog team bend over backwards to make sure that your project is rock-star-amazing. More importantly, they actually care about you. In my role as the project lead and liaison with Happy Dog for our company, I went through some medical challenges in the middle of a project our company was working on with them, and based on Happy Dog's response, you would have thought I'd been adopted into Happy Dog's family. They checked in on me consistently, worked to make sure that the project met my new schedule, and even sent some amazing flowers and a heartfelt note to go along with them. What company does that? HAPPY DOG, that's who! They've earned a heartfelt, and well-deserved, 5-star rating.
Jon, Director of Retail Sales - TopsOnline

Thanks to Happy Dog and how they are working AI, we have a distinct edge.

We used to be setup by "duct taping" a bunch of different software together. Even worse, whenever we had an idea for the software, we'd pass it along, and when they'd implement it, our competitors had the same bright idea we had. There was no competitive advantage to that at all. Happy Dog built custom software for us that not only gives us a tremendous competitive advantage, it consolidated our software and data into one location, making our lives more profitable and easier. We wouldn't be where we are without the efforts of Happy Dog!
John Schultz, Director of technology and marketing - Grafe Auction